Helping Brands Engage and Influence Buyers with New...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
With 81% of B2B ads failing to gain adequate attention or drive recall, B2B marketers need more compelling ways to connect and engage w...
LinkedIn Announces Tango: Our 4th Thinking-Oriented Game,...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Starting today, LinkedIn is introducing Tango, the latest addition to our lineup of thinking-oriented games. Since launching LinkedIn G...
Nearly two-thirds of professionals are overwhelmed by...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
New LinkedIn research reveals 64% of professionals feel overwhelmed by the rapid pace of workplace changes, with 68% seeking more suppo...
LinkedIn y Persona llevan la verificación a nuevos países...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Hoy anunciamos la disponibilidad de la verificación de identidad para millones de nuevos miembros en Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgar...
LinkedIn cumple 10 años en España con más de 15 millones de...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
La red social profesional ha celebrado su primera década en Iberia poniendo en relevancia el impacto de la plataforma en la vida de los...
Our 2022 Global Green Skills Report
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Today, we will release our first ever report on the state of the green economy. The 2022 Global Green Skills Report shines a light on h...
Impact of COVID-19 on industries in the UK
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Today, LinkedIn Senior Economist Mariano Mamertino shared a post about how COVID-19 has impacted different industries in the UK. We’re...
Impact of COVID-19 on hiring in Europe
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Today, LinkedIn Senior Economist Mariano Mamertino shared a post about how COVID-19 has impacted hiring in Europe. We’re sharing his fu...
LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner wechselt in die Rolle des...
LinkedIn Corporate Communications
Das Ziel von LinkedIn ist es, wirtschaftliche Chancen für alle Menschen auf dem globalen Arbeitsmarkt zu schaffen – und wir machen kont...