Our Professional Community Policies

Our members place their trust in us, and expect and deserve a safe and trusted community where they can express themselves professionally. 

Our Professional Community Policies and our Terms of Service outline what is acceptable, what is inappropriate and when LinkedIn may take action to protect our members. These policies are clear on what is not tolerated and has no place on LinkedIn, including the sharing of false information and abusive behavior. 

We invest in systems and technology that give us the ability to monitor, detect, and remove inappropriate content. We actively enforce these policies to make sure that LinkedIn remains a real, respectful and professional community. If these policies are violated, we take action, including the removal of confirmed fake content or the suspension of an account for abusive behavior. 

We are focused on keeping members safe and giving them ways to tell us when things aren’t right by reporting it. We fight to protect our members to make sure they can focus on finding jobs, making connections and learning new skills.