Discover how you’re being found in LinkedIn Search with new Search Appearances feature

We’ve added a new Search Appearances feature on your LinkedIn Profile, which shows you insights on how you’re being discovered. With more than 20 million professionals using LinkedIn search every week, these insights can help you understand where opportunities are coming from so that you can better optimize your profile to get connected to a new job or other professional opportunities.

Search Appearances enables you to:

  • See how many people found you in search results on a weekly basis
  • See companies and job titles of the people who found you in search to provide a better idea of the types of opportunities that you may be a fit for
  • Click through to each company for information on the open jobs that are relevant to you, as well as who the hiring managers are

These insights are currently being rolled out globally on both mobile and desktop. Coming soon, we’ll also show you search keywords for which your profile is being found.