LinkedIn announces one million members in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – November 29, 2012 – LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network with more than 187 million members worldwide, today announced it has surpassed one million members in Malaysia. The one million member milestone is significant following the launch of the Bahasa Malaysia language site in 2011.

The launch of the Bahasa Malaysia language site has spurred a whole new generation of LinkedIn users locally. Professionals in Malaysia are building their professional profile, connecting with a global network, gaining relevant business insights and seeking out their dream jobs.

“This is an important milestone illustrating that Malaysians really understand the economic opportunity that lies behind online professional networking,” explained Clifford Rosenberg, Managing Director Australia, New Zealand & Southeast Asia at LinkedIn. “As our membership continues to grow, LinkedIn has become an avenue for Malaysian professionals to establish their online brand, gain insights, as well as find new business or career opportunities,” he added.

Malaysia is facing a heightened challenge for top talent, due to a limited talent pool and a Gen Y attracted by opportunities to work in other South East Asian countries[1]. With new members signing up at a rate that is faster than two new members per second globally, LinkedIn’s global reach and scale can help professionals and companies in Malaysia connect opportunity with talent through its large, global network of resources and opportunities.

As part of Malaysia’s national goal of tackling Vision 2020 aspirations, companies are moving towards new ways to create a competitive, robust, and resilient economy. LinkedIn’s recently launched Talent Brand Index can benefit Malaysian employers to measure and benchmark the strength of their employer brand and improve their ability to attract top talent.

LinkedIn has seen strong demand and response from companies such as AirAsia, Axiata and MayBank leveraging LinkedIn Talent Solutions to take a more strategic approach to recruitment and retention.

“Axiata stands to benefit from the growth of LinkedIn members in Malaysia as it allows us to engage with highly skilled professionals in the telecommunications industry. We constantly source senior talent for our operations in various countries from the Asian region as well as globally to keep up with the rapid change in the demands of the industry,” said Darke M Sani, Group Chief Human Resources Officer for Axiata Group Berhad.

Companies such as Malaysia Airlines are also realizing the benefits of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, as online social networks are now the new norm for Malaysians. According to a recent Comscore Report, social networking accounts for one third of all time spent online in Malaysia.[2] This is where LinkedIn advertisements in Bahasa Malaysia can benefit local marketers, making it easier for members and businesses to share information and create messages that better resonate with their target audience, delivering more compelling and locally-relevant opportunities.

Below are some interesting statistics about LinkedIn membership in Malaysia:

The top three industries in Malaysia by LinkedIn membership are:

1. Oil and Energy

2. Information Technology and Services

3. Education Management

The top three companies in Malaysia with the most employees on LinkedIn are:

1. Petronas

2. Telekom Malaysia

3. Intel

The top three groups in Malaysia by LinkedIn membership are:

1. Malaysia Oil and Gas

2. Human Resources Malaysia

3. Oil and Gas People

The top three Universities in Malaysia by LinkedIn membership are:

1. Universiti Teknologi MARA

2. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

3. Universiti Malaysia

About LinkedIn 

Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. With more than 187 million members worldwide, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet. The company has a diversified business model with revenues coming from its talent solutions, marketing solutions and premium subscriptions businesses. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, LinkedIn has offices across the globe.